Posted on: June 28 2013
I had the pleasure of visiting the Schenectady, New York branch of Armistead Caregiver Services last week. It was the first time away from my daughter, Lucy, so I was a bit nervous. As you probably have guessed Lucy was absolutely fine and I think the break was good for both of us. Chris does the outreach for the Capital Region branch and she’s helped start a very cool group of professionals who serve seniors and their families in one capacity or another. I went to the Schenectady branch because Armistead was hosting a networking event and...
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Posted on: June 19 2013
Happy Summer! It has finally stopped raining, the sun is out and the temperature is climbing. This week I’m happy to bring you an article by Ryan Rivera. Ryan is a stress reduction and anxiety specialist. He runs a website about anxiety called Enjoy the article and please make sure to visit his website at for more useful information about stress and anxiety reduction. Being Aware of Stress in the Elderly: Detect Signs and Manage Stress Some people may think that the most stressful part of life comes during the middle. With...
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Posted on: June 10 2013
Did you know that Armistead has partnered with the Arbors in Shelburne to host a monthly support group for family and professional caregivers for over 7 years? It’s a unique group because the focus is support AND education. The first part of the group brings experts from the community to talk about a whole host of issues affecting caregivers including managing difficult behaviors, financial and legal planning, housing, care options and much more. The support group has been renamed A World of Support- A Family and Caregiver Info Series. It meets on the third Wednesday of every month...
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Posted on: June 03 2013
Today I wanted to focus on the Lewy Body Dementia Association as it reaches its 10-year anniversary as an association. I know they have been working tirelessly to educate the public about this disease and to provide support to those with a diagnosis and their caregivers. Here is a press a little more information about the group and their efforts to raise awareness.
Celebrate Lewy Body Dementia Association’s 10th Anniversary by Creating LBD Awareness Volunteers are “Standing Strong with LBDA” to promote awareness.
ATLANTA — (May 20, 2013) — This year marks...
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Posted on: May 28 2013
I wanted to let you know about a very cool organization called Celebrating Seniors, which was co-founded by a former Armistead employee, Jeanne Comouche and our current Outreach Coordinator, Diane Way. Celebrating Seniors has a mission which is to create, coordinate and promote opportunities for seniors to come together for social community events and activities. They are holding several senior cruises this summer on Thursdays from 2-3:30pm. The cruise takes place on the Spirit of Ethan Allen and includes live music and dessert. Admission is only $16.99 per person. Here’s a list of them if you&rsquo...
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Posted on: May 15 2013
I’m pleased to introduce you to a young woman, Adrianna Alpaugh. She is a recent Champlain College graduate, an Armistead caregiver and the developer of an interesting communication platform called I’m turning the blog over to Adrianna so she can explain the communication tool she’s developed while at Champlain and because I want to help spread the word that exists and is a good resource for families and caregivers. Introducing Adrianna… Throughout the past seven or eight years, I have developed a passion for helping senior citizens maintain...
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Posted on: May 05 2013
Did you know that the folks at Armistead have started a company wide food drive called 4 Your Can-venience? I think it’s really cool. The goal is to raise a ton of food by the end of the year. In Vermont, the branch is dropping off sturdy, blue Armistead bags in different South Burlington neighborhoods. The idea is that you fill the bag up with non-perishable items for the Armistead team to pick up on a designated date. The food is then distributed to local non-profits that serve seniors. Several businesses have joined in on the effort, including...
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