Posted on: December 30 2016
Armistead Senior Care is proud to announce the Caregiver's of the Year for 2016. Please join us in recognizing Karey Young as the 2016 Vermont Caregiver of the Year and Dee Druge as the 2016 New Hampshire Caregiver of the Year. We are very grateful for their skill, compassion, and dedication as Armistead Caregiver's.
Thank You and Congratulations to Karey and Dee!
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Posted in Announcement
Posted on: November 29 2016
Armistead Senior Care would like to shine a spotlight on our incredible Caregivers who give their hearts and souls to our clients each and every day. Maria has been with Armistead since 2014 and feels that the most important qualities of a Caregiver are patience, empathy, and respect. She exhibits all of these important qualities while meeting and developing relationships with her clients-learning about their lives, providing assistance to them and honoring who they are now. Her father was in the United States Information Agency, therefore Maria and her siblings grew up in such places as Thailand, Germany,...
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Posted in Aging in Place
Posted on: November 28 2016
Armistead Senior Care Relocating to the Alice Peck Day (APD) Memorial Hospital Homestead Building
Armistead Senior Care will relocate its Lebanon, NH office to the campus of Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital on December 1, 2016. Armistead will occupy the first floor of the Homestead Building at 127 Mascoma Street, joining APD’s gastroenterology, general surgery, occupational health, pain clinic, podiatry, plastic surgery, and urology clinics on the second and third floors. The Homestead Building was the home of Mrs. Alice Peck Day, who bequeathed it to found the original Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital in 1927. Since 1932, the Homestead Building (shown...
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Posted in Announcement
Posted on: November 17 2016
In conjunction with National Family Caregiver Month, Armistead Senior Care would like to shine a spotlight on our Caregivers who give their hearts and souls to our clients each and every day. Many started out by being a family caregiver and now they are out in the community making a difference by sharing their compassion and skills in caring for our clients and allowing them to age in place. This week the spotlight belongs to Ann. She has been an Armistead Caregiver since 2011 and earned our New Hampshire Caregiver of the Year Award for 2015. Ann holds...
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Posted in Announcements
Posted on: November 10 2016
In conjunction with National Family Caregiver Month, Armistead Senior Care would like to shine a spotlight on our incredible Caregivers who give their hearts and souls to our clients each and every day. Many started out by being a family caregiver and now they are out in the community making a difference by sharing their compassion and skills in caring for our clients and allowing them to age in place. Karey has been with Armistead Senior Care for seven years and has been a Caregiver for nine. She enjoys getting to meet different people and getting to know...
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Posted in Aging in Place
Posted on: November 08 2016
November is National Family Caregivers Month Being a Family Caregiver is hard work. I know this from experience. Family Caregiving is both deeply satisfying and stressful. It can be physically demanding and emotionally draining. You are with a loved one but often feel alone. Then there is the financial piece: this is not a paid position and there are no sick days or health insurance. When providing this unpaid care, your own financial future is at risk since zero contributions are going into social security or a retirement fund. Family Caregiving is a full-time invisible job, and for...
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Posted in Advocacy
Posted on: October 14 2016
'Tis the season of heavy politicking. Why not include the politics of family caregiving? I have read a bunch of articles recently about the subject. Unfortunately, like with most of the current political acrimony in our country, these articles have also left me feeling depressed. To be clear, it’s not the content of these articles, it’s the practically non-existent outcomes. No matter where you see yourself on the political spectrum, I bet we can all agree that not much is getting done in our country. According to Gallup, the last time even 25 of...
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Posted in Advocacy