Posted on: 2013 07 29
Traveling if you are older and or have a disability can take extra planning. There are great options available to you to visit the world and travel agencies to help you plan and manage a great adventure. Today’s Washington Post has an article by Bert Archer who decided to take his 75-year-old widowed father on a river cruise on the Danube. His father, although a seasoned traveler, has diabetes and is waiting for a knee replacement. The cruise was well designed for someone with a disability. As Mr. Archer writes, I booked a river cruise so that we could move without moving…” The cruise had slow-walking tours for the cities they stopped in. But even with accommodations for a not so spry person, the trip posed some challenges for Mr. Archer and his dad. I’ve posted the article here so you can read for yourself how the two managed and what Mr. Archer did to make the trip a success for both of them. There are also two other great articles in the same addition of The Washington Post on travel. One is called “How Accessible is Europe?” Click here to read the article: And finally here’s a third, fascinating article about a traveler with disabilities who travels through China: