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Tips for Staying Healthy And Pain Free

Posted on: 2014 09 08

Get back to exer­cis­ing with­out pain with these tips Look­ing for ideas on how to get back to exer­cis­ing?  Start off right in a healthy and pain free man­ner. By fol­low­ing these sim­ple tips, get­ting fit is eas­ier than ever before. Exer­cise Benefits Exer­cise ben­e­fits the body in mul­ti­ple ways, and it’s never too late to get started. As far as phys­i­cal health ben­e­fits, exer­cise helps main­tain and lose weight, reduces the impact of ill­ness and chronic dis­ease, and enhances strength, mobil­ity and bal­ance in seniors. In addi­tion to phys­i­cal health, exer­cise enhances men­tal health as well. By improv­ing sleep, boost­ing mood and self-confidence, and being all around good for the brain, exer­cis­ing helps you fall asleep more quickly, leaves you feel­ing strong and more con­fi­dent about your­self, and it has even shown to help slow the pro­gres­sion of brain dis­or­ders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Key Tar­get Areas In order to achieve the suc­cess needed to start­ing off a healthy and fit pro­gram, there are a few impor­tant areas that require focus. Strengthen: Con­sult your Doc­tor, Phys­i­cal Ther­a­pist or Fit­ness Instruc­tor prior to begin­ning a strength train­ing pro­gram.  In gen­eral, ease into a rou­tine with light free weights, resis­tance bands and/or balls that can be pur­chased at any fit­ness store. You can even use every-day items that are weighted, like soup cans.

  1. Body-weight Resis­tance: A Phys­i­cal Ther­a­pist or qual­i­fied fit­ness pro­fes­sional can help design a pro­gram that lever­ages your body weight for even greater phys­i­cal gains. Exam­ples include bridges, mod­i­fied (easy) planks, wall push-ups and lunges.
  2. Flex­i­bil­ity: By prac­tic­ing breath­ing tech­niques com­bined with stretch­ing, you can improve your range of motion and eas­ily lim­ber up.
  3. Endurance: A great way to build endurance is through pool-therapy and swim­ming pro­grams. Also, by using the sta­tion­ary bicy­cle, tread­mill or ellip­ti­cal if avail­able. If you do not have access to machines, try to get out­doors to walk as much as possible.

 Easy Tips to Get Started

  1. Keep a log: record­ing your daily activ­i­ties not only holds you account­able, it is a reminder of your accomplishments.
  2. Stay inspired: Fol­low­ing sports pro­grams and read­ing fit­ness mag­a­zines remind you how great it feels to take care of your body.  Just remem­ber to exer­cise at com­mer­cial breaks.
  3. Get sup­port: By tak­ing a class, or exer­cis­ing with a friend, exer­cise is eas­ier with an ongo­ing sup­port system.
  4. Safety first: Use com­mon sense and do not exer­cise if you are ill or injured. Noth­ing dis­rupts an exer­cise more than an injury.

 Arti­cle sub­mit­ted by:  Ian Korn­bluth, Phys­i­cal Ther­a­pist, Cer­ti­fied Neu­rac Prac­ti­tioner and Co-Owner of the Neu­rac Insti­tute, Prince­ton NJ. About the Neu­rac Institute The Neu­rac Insti­tute for Phys­i­cal Ther­apy, located in Prince­ton, New Jer­sey, is a leader and inno­va­tor in neu­ro­mus­cu­lar reha­bil­i­ta­tion, well­ness and fit­ness. As an accred­ited Red­cord “NEURomuscular-ACtivation” clinic, the Neu­rac Insti­tute uti­lizes the rev­o­lu­tion­ary Red­cord sus­pen­sion ther­apy sys­tem in com­bi­na­tion with other progression/regression exer­cise tech­niques that pro­vide high lev­els of neu­ro­mus­cu­lar stim­u­la­tion to grad­u­ally strengthen and restore a person’s nor­mal move­ment pat­terns. It is this dis­tinc­tive neu­ro­mus­cu­lar focus and one-on-one qual­ity patient care that posi­tions the Neu­rac Insti­tute on the cut­ting edge of phys­i­cal ther­apy today. The Neu­rac Insti­tute is the national edu­ca­tional cen­ter for Redcord’s neu­ro­mus­cu­lar acti­va­tion train­ing and accred­ited CEU courses. For more infor­ma­tion visit www.neuracpt.com.

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