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Alzheimer’s Tool Kit for Caregivers. Cool Graphics With Tips and Ideas for Caregivers

Posted on: 2014 04 07

by NANCY WURTZEL on MARCH 26, 2014 If you’re caring for someone with dementia symptoms you’ll already be aware of the complex challenges it presents. People with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia are affected by a range of symptoms, including memory loss, difficulty communicating, changes in mood, agitation, depression, physical issues and so much more. These symptoms are not just difficult for the person who is ill, but for their loved ones as well. However, as a caregiver, there are some steps you can take to help reduce anxiety and help you and your loved one cope with the symptoms of dementia.  Below is a info-graphic created by the good people at Carewatch.  The tips and ideas they outline are coping techniques that you might might find helpful. I fully realize that you can’t solve every caregiving challenge with words and colorful pictures. However, you might glean something that you will find works for you.  I hope this is the case. If you have a minute and visit the Carewatch website.  You’ll note they are based in the United Kingdom but Alzheimer’s knows no country boundaries. dementia toolkit Source: Carewatch  

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